Iris Pai

Software Engineer

Learning FP and be a clean coder.
Hi, I’m Iris
I am a driven guy who enjoys coding. I have 4+ years experience on web frontend development. Also, I’m good at communicating with people. Therefore, I cooperate well with my teammates and provide good services and products for clients. I enjoy solving problems no matter it’s about programming or business logic.

Personal Information
Reading, cooking and painting
Master of CSE / National Chung Hsing University


Javascript, ES6, CSS3, Sass, stylus, HTML5

Vue.js 2.0

Webpack, Highcharts, Bootstrap, styled-components, Storybook, Tailwind CSS, Lodash, Ramda

TypeScript, React, Next.js, Jest, Enzyme

Wroking Experience


  • Refactor and develop progressively

    With clean code and unit test by Jest, reducing bugs and keeping agile development.

  • UI components for all products

    Use styled-components and Storybook to refactor and implement UI-components library that close cooperation with UI/UX designers.

  • Standard Essential Patents

    A dashboard to analysis global standard essential patents. (Vue, Vuex, Highcharts)Product Introduction

  • Due Diligence

    One-click to analysis patent information and generate a varity of charts. (Vue, Vuex, Highcharts)Product Introduction


    A patent transaction platform with seller’s and buyer’s management interface. (Vue, Vuex)